Mintu Plastic

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About Us

Mintu Plast Plc was established in 2012 initially to supply raw materials to their sister company, Ayni Industries Plc that produces quality PVC shoes, then went on to manufacture PVC compounds for PVC pipes and profiles and garden hose suppliers.
The company expanded its product line in 2015 by manufacturing PET preforms and caps for bottling and beverage companies, and is known to be one of the leading high precision manufacturer in the industry by top bottle water and beverage brands in Ethiopia, namely:
Yes, Wow, Eden, Aqua Safe, Alpha, Choice, Ayan and Nestle, just to name a few.
In just a few years, Mintu Plast Plc has achieved a remarkable growth of 30% market share for PET preform and caps, and has acquired a large facility that focuses on high quality deliverable and innovative technologies.

Most bottle water companies import their materials which increases working capital and makes foreign companies our prime competitors.
Our goal is to provide a locally manufactured quality PET preforms and caps solution for our clients by eliminating the need to acquire foreign currency to purchase materials from abroad due to the volatility of the market and foreign currency problem.

With a customer-oriented focus, we came to provide the best value in PET preform by lever-aging our capabilities to consistently produce a reliable, quality product. As a manufacturer, we have control over product quality and supply by reducing our reliance on outside suppliers for key material components. This leads to decreased waste, increased quality control, reliable on-time deliveries and value for money.

With a customer-oriented focus, we came to provide the best value in PET preform by leveraging our capabilities to consistently produce a reliable, quality product. As a manufacturer, we have control over product quality and supply by reducing our reliance on outside suppliers for key material components. This leads to decreased waste, increased quality control, reliable on-time deliveries and value for money.

Most of our product seekers have been importing the same product and spending a lot of losses and unnecessary expenses, and we have been able to save time and money by using our products;

In addition, we are exporting our products to earn foreign exchange.

Our Vision

To be the leading manufacturer and designer of a wide variety of quality PET preforms in Ethiopia and East Africa while continue to eliminate imports into Ethiopia. To be the leading manufacturer of quality PVC compounds in Ethiopia and East Africa and to gain the highest market share.

Our Mission

To produce international standard PET preforms and caps for bottling and beverage companies in Ethiopia while eliminating imports and to acquire the leading market share. To remain a reliable manufacturer of wide range of quality PVC compounds for shoes and sole, Electric and power cable insulation and profiles and garden hose applications.


• Transparency
• Dependable
• Accountability
• Fairness
• Adaptability
• Resourceful