Lemma Wakene Foundation

Lemma Wakene Foundation

Welcome to Lemma Wakene Foundation

Welcome to Lemma Wakene Foundation, a part of Mintu Investment Group committed to creating a positive impact on society through social responsibility projects. Our foundation operates with the belief that businesses have a responsibility to give back to the community that supports them. That’s why we’re dedicated to using a portion of our profits to create positive social change.

Clean Water for Local Society
One of our most significant initiatives is providing clean potable water for the local society surrounding our business. We understand that clean water is a basic human right, and we’re committed to doing our part to ensure that everyone in the community has access to it. Our team works tirelessly to provide clean water to those who need it, and we’re proud of the impact we’ve made so far.

Supporting Education
At Lemma Wakene Foundation, we believe that education is the key to a better future. That’s why we’ve been supporting Menker Gebremariam Elementary School for the past ten years. Our ongoing support has helped to improve the quality of education provided at the school, and we’re proud to have helped many students achieve their academic goals. One such student, named Zeleke, recently joined Hawassa University with a GPA of 3.75 and above. We’re incredibly proud of Zeleke’s achievements and are committed to continuing to support education in our community.

We also make regular donations to various organizations and causes that align with our mission and values. We believe that giving back to the community is essential, and we’re committed to making a positive impact in any way we can. Through our donations, we’re helping to create positive social change and improve the lives of those in our community.


At Lemma Wakene Foundation, we take our social responsibilities seriously. We’re committed to making a positive impact on society through our various initiatives, including providing clean water, supporting education, and making donations to worthy causes. Our foundation is a proud part of Mintu Investment Group, and we look forward to continuing to create positive social change in our community.